Monday, October 29, 2012

Introducing F. Jay Fuller

Cool Waters Press is proud to announce their first book publication from novelist F. Jay Fuller. 

Here is what a 5-star review had to say:

"Shadows in Winter tells the compelling story of a lonely boy coming to know himself and the power granted to him by his ancestors. Set in Northern California and the Arctic (both in Finland and the Yukon), this book takes the reader on a journey through time, seasons, and the clash between the modern and ancient world. This story is so vividly written, I felt that I was with Ahto and Jaako in the frozen world of the North with the full moon and the Aurora lighting the long winter night, casting shadows that resonate long after the last page is read."

Do you want to know more?

Here is the a brief summary of this foray into a brilliant narrative:

Ahto Twickanen is a young man struggling to find his place in a world split between the traditions of his Sami/Finnish ancestors and the realities of modern America culture – a culture which too often, in his experience, discounts or ignores the ancestral wisdom of the old world. As Ahto grows toward maturity, confronted with family tragedy, physical altercations, self-doubt and torn loyalties, he is guided by the insights of the one person in whom he can trust and confide, his great uncle Jaakko – a small man with bright eyes and a checkered past, who mysteriously appears every year, at midnight, on Christmas Eve. But when a dejected and confused seventeen year-old Ahto needs him most, Jaakko fails to appear. Horrified by a vision of impending catastrophe, Ahto’s life is transformed as he and his once-estranged father travel north to Canada’s Yukon Territory in the midst of a chilling, bone-cracking winter quest to discover the fate of his missing great uncle. But Ahto’s journey leads him into more than he could have ever imagined when he discovers that he is successor to an ancient family linage of noaide – shamans of the Sami people, and the inheritor of an instrument of immense power that has been passed down from master to apprentice since the last ice age.

How about getting to know the author?

F. Jay Fuller has done graduate work in the Phenomenology of Religion and lives in the mountains of northern California. He’s been shot, stabbed, hooked, punctured, cut, gouged, scorched, stung, bitten, swarmed, skunked, mobbed, and trampled. He’s turned ankles, pulled muscles, torn tendons, split nails, broken bones, fallen off cliffs, fallen out of trees, fallen in rivers, been lost, lost skin, lost teeth, lost his keys, had poison oak, had ticks, endured giardia, suffered frostbite, caught cold, and caught hell. His writing has appeared in Black Lantern Publishing, Dark Fire Fiction (UK), Midwest Coast Review, College and Research Libraries News, Library Software Review, and CSU Chico’s Studies from the Herbarium.

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